
AristeiA, Cloud Archive. About Last Night...

I had only heard fragments of AristeiA on myspace before last night. They took the stage and things immediately got very heavy. Lush arpeggios and guitar licks build up over furiously strummed notes, then out of nowhere all three guitarists stomp distortion pedals and everything gets sludgey and riffy. Not wanting to be cliche or anything, but I would definitely be down to watch a city burn to the ground while AristeiA played. I wonder if there any venues that would be into that...

Cloud Archive
This was the third time I saw Cloud Archive, and they just keep getting exponentially better. The ambient passages are tightly played and well-written, with the same level of intensity as the louder distorted head banging moments. Usually the "visual" tag on myspace is a bad sign, but these guys deserve it.

Cloud Archive

The Terrible were solid as always, but one of the guitarists was out of town so things didn't quite go to the heavy apocalyptic death space. They did have a painter in the band though...

I opened things up with an SAS set, which went very well aside from playing the first song through the busted channel on my ampeg. Recording for the full length will commence soon.

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